Our Services

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General Ophthalmology

Basic vision screening is not the same as a comprehensive exam. A comprehensive eye exam includes vision screening as well as specialized tests to detect eye disease, which is especially crucial for diseases that are asymptomatic in their early stages. Our clinic specializes in preventing and treating eye diseases, including cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, dry eyes, and eyelid-related problems. 

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Cataract Surgery 

An estimated 18% of Canadians aged 45 and older have cataracts, so it’s comforting to know that cataract surgery has an overall success rate of 97% or higher. Our doctors specialize in cataract surgery and can implant a new intraocular lens that corrects common vision problems, including myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia.

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Corneal Diseases

The first layer of our eye is prone to diseases that can cause significant discomfort. These problems can be caused by dry eyes, infections, degenerations or congenital anomalies of the cornea. Our ophthalmologists are experienced in treating these conditions by addressing the underlying cause and with various artificial tear substitutes, ointments, anti-inflammatory regimens, punctum plugs, and surgeries.

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Glaucoma Treatment

Many people have glaucoma, yet they don’t experience vision problems until the disease has permanently damaged the optic nerve. Since glaucoma comes with few warning signs, regular eye exams are important for detecting glaucoma early enough to prevent vision loss. Our doctors are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, and our office is equipped with a full complement of advanced diagnostic equipment to evaluate and successfully manage this disease.

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Retinal Conditions

It is frequent to have some signs of retinal problems as we age. Certain common health problems, like diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol can also put us at risk of developing retinal conditions. Regular eye exams are important for detecting complications and preventing vision loss. Our doctors are well-trained in the diagnosis and treatment of common retinal problems.

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Oculofacial Surgery

Numerous eye problems are related to eyelids. This includes conditions like blepharitis, styes, chalazions, malposition of the eyelids, drooping of eyelids and brows, and other lesions of the eyelids. Our doctors are well-trained in the diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment of general oculoplastic conditions. Some oculoplastic surgeries are not covered by RAMQ.

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Refractive Surgery

Refractive surgery gives most patients a chance to retire their eyeglasses either by reshaping the cornea or by implanting a new lens that corrects refractive vision problems. We have experience using advanced technology to perform refractive surgery (Lasik or Relex) and refractive lens exchange successfully and safely. Refractive surgeries are not covered by RAMQ.

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Laser Treatments

Different kinds of lasers are used in ophthalmology to treat specific conditions. For example, the YAG laser is used for the treatment of narrow angles (iridotomy) and posterior capsular opacification (capsulotomy). SLT laser (selective laser trabeculoplasty) is used for the treatment of glaucoma. These treatments are available in office by our doctors. 

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.